Art Posts

August 13, 2009 @ 6:52 am | Filed under:

bbbDoing a quickie roundup of some of my posts on drawing and painting:

Backyard art bag

Drawing together

Watercolor journaling

Art supplies we use

Mark Kistler stuff

Drawing books we like (needs formatting—old Lilting House post)

Anyone can learn to draw

Complete art archive

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Sarah N. says:

    Thanks for the round up! I glanced through a few of the older posts I didn’t remember. You mentioned chalk pastels in one and we’ve been loving Prismacolor Art Stix which are like hard pastels. They are pricey but my 5yo does fantastic work with them. In fact she made a picture of the lake and the two little ponds from Little House in the Highlands with them 🙂

  2. Melissa Wiley says:

    Oh, Sarah! I hope you have a scanner… 🙂 I would love to see them.

  3. Sarah N. says:

    We do and I could also take a pic of it which is how I usually share her art. We’re heading out of town but I’ll send it to you next week 🙂