Archive for May 4th, 2010

Truly, Maudly, Deeply

May 4, 2010 @ 8:17 am | Filed under:

Well, I’m going to have to write about The Perilous Gard and The Gammage Cup. But today is our group’s big Journey North party, which means Jane and I need to rustle up some Malaysian food. I think we’re going with this.

In the meantime, I wanted to round up some of my posts about books I love “truly, Maudly, deeply.” That’s Maud as in Maud Hart Lovelace, of course, and what I mean is books I have a mad passion for, such as Maud’s Betsy-Tacy and Deep Valley novels. I’m going to be doing more writing in this vein in the weeks to come. The itch is upon me.

(That means that long-promised Rilla of Ingleside post is finally coming to pass.)

An Incomplete Round-up of Posts about Books I Love Truly, Maudly, Deeply:

Jane of Lantern Hill

Emily of Deep Valley

Heaven to Betsy

Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill

The Sherwood Ring

The Firelings

By the Great Horn Spoon

There are a great many other books that belong here. Streatfeild’s Shoes books—I talked about them a little bit in this review of Noel Perrin’s A Child’s Delight. Also mentioned in that post, and belonging on my Maudly list: Watership Down, Dogsbody, and Johnny Crow’s Garden.

Candidates for future Maudly posts: the rest of the Betsy books, obviously, and the Anne books, The Blue Castle, Little Men, Understood Betsy (how is it possible I’ve not blogged about that one before?), Ginger Pye, The Golden Key, Papa’s Wife, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Linnets and Valerians (touched on but not fully explored), A Severe Mercy, The Silver Chair, On the Banks of Plum Creek (my favorite LIW), Possession, Persuasion, The Secret Garden, Dragonsong, I Am One of You Forever, The Railway Children, and, well, I could keep this up all day,* but I’ve got some Malaysian chicken to cook.

What are your Maudly books?

*My list keeps growing in the comments. I’m deeply chagrined I didn’t put L’Engle on the list above. Sheesh.