Archive for May 17th, 2011


May 17, 2011 @ 8:17 pm | Filed under:

Things being enjoyed around here:

Rose is deep in Ancient Egypt again, a favorite realm of hers. Mara, Daughter of the Nile. Sphinx’s Princess. A book on Egyptian gods and goddesses, and another of stories. Some Dover coloring books, largely used for costume ideas.

I received some review copies of No Starch Press’s wonderful Manga Guides today (to Calculus, to Physics, to Relativity), and Jane was pretty psyched. She loved their Manga Guide to Electricity. I’ll post more on these after I’ve had a look at the new arrivals.

Rilla’s requests today were Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse, Hide and Seek in the Yellow House, and Dinosaur vs. Bedtime.

Huck has discovered the wonders of Thomas the Tank Engine. Oh my. Every morning, it’s “Tain! Tain! Peeeez?” Someone has taught the kid to clasp his hands under his chin with an irresistible little head-tilt as he pleads. I suspect Big Sister Interference. It’s ridiculously cute and dangerously effective.

Wonderboy has taken to typing out snatches of Thomas dialogue on the iPod Touch while Huck is watching.

A sight I loved today was Rose and Beanie side by side on Beanie’s bed, the lower bunk, with a Calvin and Hobbes book before them on the pillow. Peals of laughter down the hall.