Archive for May 1st, 2017


May 1, 2017 @ 8:01 am | Filed under: ,


Beanie’s take on the Romantic poets: “I was into childhood before childhood was cool.”


Have just been informed there are two crane flies in the patio room. Their names are Bert and Arugula.


My kids have been setting up this game of Catan for so long it’s an entirely new generation of settlers from the ones who left the homeland.


—writes funny tweet
—nah, that’s 100% snark, doesn’t further convo
—okay, I’ll just send it to Scott instead
—he asks me to marry him again


Neighbor just rang our bell. Dead crane fly in her hand. “Thought your crew might want a close look!” She gets us.


Huck: Can I get some short jeans?
Me: Short jeans?
Huck: Yeah, like Rilla is wearing.
Me: Ah yes! Jean shorts!


One of the sweet kids whose classroom I visited on Thursday wrote a thank-you note to “Melissa Lively.” Wondering if it’s too late to change my pen name.


Personal aesthetic: buttered toast.


Beanie: You and Rose think in words. Rilla thinks in pictures. I think in colors and sounds. I’m not sure what Jane thinks in. Me: Elvish runes, probably.


I completed a downright lyrical grant application for a wetland restoration project in LA County today, but my proudest accomplishment of the day is photoshopping* a pic of Adam Driver dropping a cup of coffee on the ground.

*very poorly
*not actually in Photoshop
*in Powerpoint, all right? Look, I was busy.


In the car on the way to piano lessons, there’s a heavy sigh from the backseat. Rilla: Sometimes…sometimes I just wish I were a mantis shrimp.