
May 14, 2008 @ 4:57 pm | Filed under:

Well, our scanner isn’t hooked up and all the pictures-of-pictures I took with my digital camera (after ransacking old photo albums) are fuzzy and dark, so there goes my plan to post adorable pictures of the babies we were fourteen years ago on our wedding day. See what I mean? Fuzzy.

Can’t say I didn’t know what I was getting into…sort of.

This has been a very long afternoon, waiting for him to come home from work. Still two hours to go. I shall pass the time visiting the blogs of other people brilliant enough to get married on May 14, 1994. (Cheers, Christine and Amy!)

Other ways I have passed the time this afternoon:

• watching a new Signing Time DVD that Rilla got for her birthday

• sitting on the front step scanning the sky for DOPTERS! and AH-PANES!

• sitting on the front step admiring my beeyootiful new flowers I got for Mother’s Day

• sitting on the front step protecting Rilla from the ants that she is sure are going to eat her

• sitting on the front step listening to my son catalogue the cars and trucks that go by

I’m guessing my long afternoon has been considerably more pleasant than Scott’s at work. But still. One hour and fifty minutes to go. Hurry home, best friend.

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Amy says:

    Happy anniversary, again, dear Lissa!! Hope you have a great night. 😉

  2. KC says:

    Congratulations, Lissa and Scott!!!

  3. Meredith says:

    Well how cute are you two!! Happy 14th to you both!!

  4. patience says:

    I started out saying lol and ended up with aww. Happy anniversary. How very blessed you are.

    PS, what were you, 15 when you married? I know soft focus does wonders, but really you look so young and yet your expression is so … if I say “old”, will you take it the right way? 🙂

  5. Melissa Wiley says:

    PS, what were you, 15 when you married? I know soft focus does wonders, but really you look so young

    LOL! We were both 24. But I did look really young for my age—always, until the last year or two. I think it’s finally catching up to me now. 😛

  6. Silvia says:

    We were married on May 14th also! It’s our 14th, too. How funny!