175 Books

October 23, 2008 @ 1:22 pm | Filed under:

UPDATED: Make that 186 books. That’s the final tally, after a number of titles were shifted over from Nonfiction Picture Books to our category.

That’s how many titles were nominated in the Cybils Fiction Picture Book category, and how many I need to read in the next six weeks or so.

Two. That’s how many I’ve read so far. Neither one was a standout.

I am keeping my Library Elf hopping these days. Slowly I’m making my way through the Cybils database, clicking back and forth to my library catalog to see which nominees are in our local system, reserving all I can find.

It’s fun to observe which books catch the kids’ attention. Reading and discussing the nominees is something of a family affair, as most things are around here. Beanie has read more of the nominees than I have, so far. Guess I’d better get back to my databasing, so I can catch up.

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8 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. nina says:

    Sorry about your Whoops. I’ll have to check that book by Henry Cole. We loved Jack’s Garden and On Meadowview Street.

    Is there an easier list to read than the comments for the nominations? In a Blue Room by Jim Averbeck is one of my favorites I’ve read all year and the Tricia Tusa illustrations make it nearly perfect.

  2. patience says:

    A trick for you. If you edit (rewrite in some way) the post, but leave the title the same, it will appear in Google Reader with the edited contents. I’ve had to learn this one, I am always publishing then regretting!

  3. Melissa Wiley says:

    Nina, funny you should chime in–I was thinking of you today as I worked my way through the database. You would make a great panelist or judge for pic bks next year…something to think about! 🙂

    I stuck a list of the fiction picture book nominees on a page on this site. Authors/illustrators aren’t listed, though. My database export got all file-jumbly so I took the easy way out. But here’s the link to the titles: Cybils Fiction Picture Book Nominees 2008

    The titles in italics are the ones I have read so far. Long way to go, as you can see.

  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    Patience, thanks for the tip!

  5. Melissa Wiley says:

    Duh. I’m a bit slow on the uptake: just realized there is, in fact, a complete listing of the nominees–with authors & publishing info–at the Cybils site.

    All the other categories are there too, of course. The Cybils organizers rawk.

  6. Gail says:

    I love Library Elf. I’d be lost without it. Or at least in debt.

  7. nina says:

    Melissa, thanks for the great compliment. I’m just getting back here to see if I could find the list. I would looovvvee to be a panelist if the opportunity ever presented itself.