Things We’re Doing These Days

March 30, 2011 @ 7:34 pm | Filed under:

In brief, and in no particular order, because I am pressed for time but don’t want to forget what was happening in late March, 2011:

• Playing a lot of Munchkin and laughing our fool heads off. I will long savor that sweet, sweet moment when I demolished my dear daughters by whipping out a Doppelganger card I’d been secretly holding—and thereby destroying the Level 20 Dragon (+5 Intelligence) they teamed up to sic on me. Because nothing says “gentle motherhood” like wielding a Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment against the team effort of one’s children.

• Reading and rereading a batch of Elephant and Piggie books. But then you knew that already.

• Watching M*A*S*H. This one is Scott & the big girls. It’s what they do last thing in the evening while I’m in here finishing up my work time.

• Watching Firefly—one of my top five all-time favorite shows. It’s Jane’s first time; Scott and I are treating ourselves to a few episodes a week with Jane after the other kids are in bed. This is a VERY good way to end the day.

• Thinking about getting ready for Wondercon, but not actually managing much of the actual GETTING READY. Which is unfortunate, since Scott and I leave Friday morning. My parents arrive tomorrow—they are staying here with the kids while we head up to San Fran—and maybe THEN I’ll move past the thinking stage. Maybe.

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. MelanieB says:

    Oh I adore Firefly. What a treat for Jane getting to see it for the first time! And how fun for you to get to see it again through her eyes. I know I shouldn’t say things like ‘I can’t wait till my girls are old enough to do stuff like that with.’ and really I do love them being just where they are now. But it is fun to get a peek at where we’ll be in a decade or so.

  2. Hannah says:

    I have been thinking of writing a post on how to pack a suitcase at the last minute, based on considerable expertise. Maybe I should get cracking! 🙂

  3. Ellie says:

    Oh yes, Firefly!! right now Eli and I are doing Stargate (which will take forever since there’s so much of it, three series’ worth), but then we’ll likely redo Firefly because it’s been ages.

    Do keep us updated on all things Wondercon 🙂

  4. yvonne says:

    I love Firefly. Right now my husband is re-watching the entire series. Why do they cancel some of the best SciFi shows??? 🙁 🙁

  5. Tasha says:

    Oh we love Munchkin in our house. Beware, there are so many different card sets and then other themed sets. My boys love Space Munchkin and Munchkin Bites too. The puns are so funny, the game play is a blast, and we all manage to win enough times to keep it from being discouraging.