Lots of folks out for a stroll this morning

May 18, 2011 @ 7:47 am | Filed under: ,

2011-05-18 08.18.58

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Angi says:

    We have the same view every monrning, my children like to catch the snails and the huge slugs that live around here.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Wow! He is fabulous! How big would you guess he is? From the angle of your camera, he looks several inches long.

  3. yvonne says:

    How big is he? He looks much bigger than the tiny ones we find around here. What a great picture!

  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    They aren’t very big—maybe a little over an inch when stretched out like that? This guy does look large in the picture, doesn’t he!

    About five steps down the block after I took this, my heel came down on something hard that cracked and crunched. I screamed and did a manic hop-step forward, shrieking at Scott, “Don’t look! Don’t look at it!”—because if I’d squashed a snail, I didn’t want to know, didn’t want it confirmed.

    Of course Scott couldn’t HELP but look. It was just a piece of bark, he said between guffaws. And then he kissed me in the middle of the street because I am ridiculous.