I Heart Portland in Spring
March 27, 2019 @ 2:12 pm | Filed under: Assorted and Sundry

Oh Mr. Cuthbert! Oh Mr. Cuthbert! Oh Mr. Cuthbert!
Portland puts on spring the way a five-year-old wakes up from slumber: suddenly, with energy, from zero to sixty. Today’s a chilly, rainy day but we’ve had several days of blue sky, warm sun, and pink fireworks in all the trees. I walked a mile along Klickitat Street yesterday and I had to stop myself from skipping like a Disney princess.
The AWP conference is here in Portland this weekend (perfect timing for this spectacular bloom) and I’m very excited about a couple of events I’m attending. Hint: Rachel Zucker! I’ll report back later in the week.
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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
Penelope says:
No idea what an AWP conferance is, but have fun! 🙂
On March 28, 2019 at 10:44 am
Melanie B says:
Oh so beautiful!!
We are seeing our first crocuses this week. And today I spotted the tulips poking little green blades up in the front bed. The maples are blooming with their wee red buds, and we’ve heard a robin singing his territorial song in the morning and evening. But we aren’t quite to the glories of New England spring yet.
On March 28, 2019 at 8:52 pm