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October 11, 2012 @ 8:30 am | Filed under:

Four more days to nominate books and book apps for this year’s CYBILs! Lots of suggestions for possible book-app nominees in the links in this post—please nominate them so I’ll have an excuse to play with them!

New Thicklebit today: Lunacy. I blame the father.

Simon & Schuster has put up a sneak peek of my next Inch and Roly book: Inch and Roly and the Very Small Hiding Place. (They’ve also got a pretty substantial chunk of The Prairie Thief there, if you’d like to preview it before you commit.) 😉

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  1. Sandra says:

    Re the Thicklebit and blaming the father. My mother-in-law always says that whenever the kids misbehave, or exhibit any less than desirable tendencies (not that mine ever do of course 😉 ) that it is the father’s fault! I get on very well with her !