Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Monday Links & Language

September 10, 2012 @ 8:53 am | Filed under: , , ,

New Thicklebit: Tats for Tots.

New interview: Writing on the Sidewalk.

Foreign language app we are finding irresistible, with a deliciously mockable edge: Earworms. (I learned about it at GeekMom. Rose and Beanie are using the German; Jane, the Japanese. Rose likes it so much she ponied up her own funds for the Arabic.)

Other resources Jane is using to learn Japanese (answering Ellie‘s question from my learning notes blog): Pimsleur Approach audio program (check your library for these); Free Japanese Lessons; Learn Japanese Adventure (another free site).

I had such a fun time yesterday recording a Brave Writer podcast with Julie Bogart and her son. I’ll let you know when it goes live! The Prairie Thief is the October selection for Brave Writer’s Arrow program—a monthly digital language arts curriculum featuring a different work of fiction in each installment. Brave Writer is one of the first resources I ever gushed about on this blog, way back in 2005. πŸ™‚ And as you’ll discover in the podcast, Julie Bogart was the blogger who inspired me to start Bonny Glen in the first place!


Wednesday Links

August 29, 2012 @ 7:23 pm | Filed under: , , ,

Tomorrow is new Thicklebit day! Sometimes this parenting gig is just…baffling.

A review of The Prairie Thief at Jen Robinson’s Book Page. “…a delight from start to finish.” *beams*

Day one of “A 365-day daily documentation of the mysterious creatures known as The Folk, by the equally mysterious artist, Jacob Oh.” Charming.

And this art, oh, I’m swooning. Kay Nielsen’s Stunning 1914 Scandinavian Fairy Tale Illustrations.

Comments are off


August 2, 2012 @ 5:02 pm | Filed under: ,

It’s Thursday, so that means a new Thicklebit. I like Thursdays. πŸ™‚

I was looking for something in my archives and stumbled upon a very old post that made me smile. 2005, so let’s see…Beanie was about 4 1/2? Rose would’ve been about 7, Jane not quite 10. And they’re all still so exactly like the girls in this post. Just, you know, OLD.

Via my friend Phoebe: This castle is for sale in Ireland. If you loved me, you would buy it for me.

My friend Kathy Ceceri’s very cool Robotics book is now available in paperback. Includes a lot of DIY how-to: seriously fun stuff there.

Sunday Links

May 27, 2012 @ 6:15 am | Filed under: ,

Well, I have no idea what happened to blogging this week. I wrote at least a dozen posts in my head; does that count?

I suppose it was one of those weeks when I spent more time reading the internet than contributing to it. Here are some of the links that caught my eye:

β€’ A great SLJ review of my friend Anne Marie’s new book, Vampirina Ballerina, which is coming out in August.

β€’ Girl Detective is hosting a summer reading project based on Lizzie Skurnick’s Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading. I enjoyed Skurnick’s book of essays, and the reading list for this project is a squee-inducing walk through memory lane.

β€’ Speaking of summer projects, I might have to use this fun list of 80s movies by GeekMom’s Laura Grace Weldon as a summer viewing list for my family.

β€’ Think liking a Facebook fan or brand page is enough to ensure you’ll see its posts in your news feed? Think again.

As always, my Diigo has the rest of my curated links. I shared many of these on my Facebook author page as well, if you prefer that format. (Although, according to the link above, less than 20% of that page’s followers actually get my updates in their news feed. You have to visit the page directly to be sure of seeing all its updates—that goes for any FB fan page, not just mine.)

Quick Answer: Mouse Guard RPG

May 10, 2012 @ 5:46 pm | Filed under: ,

Maria asked about the book Beanie was poring over in this photo. I replied in the comments, but in case you missed it: it’s the Mouse Guard role-playing game manual, a gorgeous hardcover, fully illustrated book by David Petersen, published by Archaia.

You may recall my gushing about the Mouse Guard graphic novels many times over the past several years; Petersen’s artwork is phenomenal and my children, especially Beanie, have thoroughly enjoyed the stories and have reread the books many times.

We’ve had the RPG manual for a couple of years and I know Beanie has put dozens of hours into creating characters and backstory. I’m not sure how many campaigns the kids have actually run but we’re planning to launch one soon. Beanie has been regaling me with her character’s family history…her young mouse soldier has apiary and insect-lore skills, and hails from a small village in the west. πŸ™‚


GeekMomIn other news: Big doings for GeekMom this week; we’ve moved to! Here’s a piece I wrote earlier this week on German language apps for kids.