This Week’s Clippings File
Just a couple of links today:
• An article on universal preschool by Diane Flynn Keith
• A call for Homeschooling Blog Awards nominations at Spunky’s site
• A request for posts on unschooling for the Carnival of Unschooling. From their site:
What is a carnival? A collection of excellent and compelling blog posts on a particular topic. In this case, unschooling. I realize there will be a bit of an overlap, but unschooling and how it works here in the real world needs more publicity.
So, please send links to interesting posts on unschooling from the past month or so. We’ll consider anything from October 1st onwards. It can be written by you or someone else. You have until the end of the month, November 30th, to get them in and we’ll post them as soon as possible after that, definitely by the following Monday.
Whoops, I guess that’s not a couple, it’s a few.
Ron says:
Thanks 🙂
On November 29, 2005 at 3:45 pm