Linkin’ Log
Thought I’d start the day by sharing some of the reading that kept me up too late last night:
First stop, Atypical Homeschool, where Ron & Andrea announce, “Gather ’round all ye readers, for the first edition of the Carnival of Unschooling.” Settle in for this one with a nice cup of cocoa…you’ll be happily occupied for a while.
Atypical also shared the link to a fascinating series of posts on Alexander’s Maitresse, where la Maitresse has been chatting with admissions officers from various colleges about homeschooling admission policies and is posting their responses. This series of posts is going to be passed around a lot, you bet.
I enjoyed perusing Semicolon’s favorite books list…we have lot of favorites in common, it seems. I’d pick Little Men over Eight Cousins
any day, though. And To Kill a Mockingbird
comes waaaaay up at the top for me. Although come to think of it, she didn’t say she was ranking them in order. Which is smart. Because coming up with a list of 100 favorites would be hard enough (Semicolon is up to 68 so far)—putting them in any kind of “counting down to the best book ever” order would be darn near impossible. Anyway, Semicolon has inspired me to attempt such a list for myself. It means thinking back over every book you’ve ever read: that alone presents a challenge.
Spunky Homeschool wishes to remind everyone that there are only a few days left to nominate your favorite blogs for the 2005 Homeschool Blog Awards.
Over at Brave Writer, Julie Bogart has some good advice for writing Christmas letters.
And finally, a link not to a specific post but to a blog I’ve just encountered: Mental Multi-vitamin. It is nourishing indeed.