Favorite Fictional Families—Forgotten!
Thanks to all who sent well wishes for Wonderboy…he’s doing better this afternoon, now that the antibiotics have kicked in. Of course, all the lovely gastro-intestinal side effects that accompany antibiotics have kicked in too, with a vengeance. But at least his fever has come down.
This morning I was doing dishes while enjoying the very loud music Scott had turned on for Wonderboy’s enjoyment (having a hearing impaired son gives him license, at long last, to play music at the volumes he believes to his core to be vital to a truly authentic listening experience), and a family flashed into my mind—one of my favorite fictional families, how could I forget? No, wait! TWO families! I foolishly forgot them both!
So to our list let us add, posthaste:
The Murray/O’Keefe clan and the Austin bunch
, those classical-music-listening, Nobel-prize-winning, space-and-time-traveling, poetry-quoting, dolphin-befriending, adventure-having folks from Madeleine L’Engle’s books
And over at Love2Learn (my new home away from home [blog away from blog?]—and many thanks, ladies, for the invitation to join you!), Love2LearnMom points out quite rightly that I neglected to mention the wonderful families in Hilda van Stockum’s books—an omission over which Jane shrieked in consternation when the news reached her ears.
I’m sure there are other families who ought to be on the list—please write and share your favorites!
Ron says:
Good news on Wonderboy. I only read at night so I missed all the excitement.
On December 15, 2005 at 6:55 pm
Love2learn Mom says:
I’m glad you (and Jane!) love the Hilda Van Stockum books too. Have you read Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery. That’s a well-loved favorite here as well (doesn’t necessarily sound like it from the title). A young boy from a large family in England was kidnapped by his nurse after his parents died and raised in Nazi Germany. He was later reunited with his siblings during World War II. Many struggles and challenges ensue, but it is a lovely, lovely story.
On December 15, 2005 at 6:57 pm
Irene says:
Hi Lissa,
I have another suggestion for favorite fictional families. How about the Ray family in the Betsy-Tacy books? I love the way Mr. Ray is always so wise, loving, and generous. And I also love the close relationship Betsy and her sister, Julia, have with their mother. (And with one another, for that matter!)
On December 18, 2005 at 8:34 pm