I Stand Corrected!

January 31, 2007 @ 6:43 am | Filed under:

Turns out dryer lint really IS valuable! Check out this comment from Jennifer (author of the wonderful homeschooling-on-a-boat blog, S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen):

You don’t save Lint for Clay???
2 Cups Dryer Lint (firmly packed) 1/3 Cup Warm Water
6 Tbsp. White Glue
1 Tbsp. Clear Liquid Dishsoap
Tear the lint up into little bits. Mix everything in a bowl and knead
until workable. Sculpt to heart’s content. Airdries in a few days.

Who knew? (Not my daughters—but perhaps they felt in their bones that it had potential.)

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11 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Karen E. says:

    Oh! My! Gosh!
    My kids will love this!

    Thanks, Jennifer!

    (Do you think the dust bunnies can be saved?)

  2. Mary says:

    OMG- I love this idea. Could you make colored clay with colored dish soap? (it’s all I have right now. )

    I have plenty of lint to work with…

    Excellent idea. I’m sending it to all kindergarten teachers I know….


  3. Queen of Carrots says:

    But how sticky is it? I had a very bad experience once with a glue and white bread mixture that couldn’t be kneaded as instructed because I couldn’t move my hands.

  4. Ruth in NC says:

    We made paper out of dryer lint once then wrote a letter to Grandma on it. The paper was a not very attractive gray color but it was fun.

    Ruth in NC

  5. mama martin says:

    The Girl Guides pack dryer lint into each cup in a cardboard egg carton, pour in parafin wax and let cool. When hard, tear apart the cups and use as a fire starter (and you thought they only used one match!)

  6. Laurie says:

    Very cool! My kids will also love this one (and probably DH too)!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Jennifer is so resourceful! Did you see her advice on chopsticks for knitting needles? She needs to write “Worst Case Scenario – Crafts”.

  8. Theresa says:

    “Worst Case Scenario – Crafts”.ROFLOL!

  9. Jeanne says:

    “Worst case scenario – crafts” sounds like me. Honestly, the most challenging thing about homeschooling for me is that I don’t do crafts. I missed the craft gene. Other people are worrying about math and writing and biology, and I am thinking “what kind of a craft would go with THAT? and how would we possibly do THAT?” This is also a severe limitation for a Cub Scout Leader. Fortunately, my co-leader is crafty, and I do the non-craft stuff. I have been known, however, to save dryer lint for my big kids to use as fire starter on camping trips.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I KNOW YOU COULD MAKE PAPER WITH DRYER LINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’ve just never taken time to do so.


  11. Maria says:

    I tried to make paper with lint last year – yuck, the long hairs in the lint made it too hairy of an experience….blugh!