Sunday Links
January 27, 2008 @ 9:18 am | Filed under: Links
Class of 2k8 is a group of children’s-book authors whose first books will be published in 2008. They are offering a contest with giveways of their books.
A great new home for Danielle’s blog. Don’t forget to update your feed!
Creepy as all get-out. How radio frequency ID chips implanted in consumer goods may quietly destroy our privacy in the not-at-all-distant future.
I think I already put this recipe post in my Google Shared Items, but I want it here for easy access. Black-eyed pea salad, yum.
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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
Jennifer says:
Lissa, the recipe is so super yummy – it’s all I ate yesterday. I love the way you are posting your links these days – it’s so handy.
On January 27, 2008 at 12:28 pm
Melissa Wiley says:
Thanks, Jenn. I am loving it too because it’s so much faster & easier! I tend to pile up links in my stuff-to-post file and then I wind up not getting around to it b/c I don’t have time to write a whole post. This auto-posting thing took two minutes to set up and voila, here’s everything I wanted to share. 🙂
The only thing I have to figure out now is what to keep on my Google Reader Shared Items list, and what to tag for I had thought I’d just GR-Share any items from feeds I sub to, and del-tag everything else; but the auto-posting thing means I can share the links with people who only read my feed. So I delicioused your post, for example, rather than (or maybe in addition to?) google-sharing it, even though I do sub to your feed.
I guess I’ll figure it out as I go…
On January 27, 2008 at 1:01 pm
PJ Hoover says:
Thanks for mentioning the 2k8 contest! Please enter 🙂
On January 27, 2008 at 6:21 pm