Handcrafts Blogroll: Who’s Missing?

November 10, 2008 @ 8:10 am | Filed under: , ,

I’ve added a list of my favorite handcrafty blogs to the very bottom of the righthand sidebar. What it really is is the handcraft folder from my Google Reader—I’m sure this is very old news, but I just figured out that I could make individual folders on my Reader public, and therefore accessible via link or RSS. Nifty. One of the options available is sharing the folder as a blogroll, so: there you go!

If you’re a craft blog addict too, please check out my list and let me know of any gems I’m missing!

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20 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Beck says:

    Oh! I love craft blogs! I love going to craft stores and reading craft books and buying craft supplies…. sadly, I am terrible at actually crafting. But I’m relaly looking forward to reading through your list!

  2. Plain Catholic says:

    The rosary making blogs have some grand ideas for the making of extra sturdy rosaries. Something we need on the Glen Ben farm.

  3. Patricia says:

    Well, you must have The Purl Bee on your list, for all their fantastic free knitting and sewing tutorials: http://www.purlbee.com I see Last Minute Patchwork in your Happy Crafty Pile–Purl Bee is the blog for Joelle’s shops.

    Knowing, from your blog, what a book lover you are, I’m sure you’d appreciate Bookmaking with Kids: http://www.bookmakingwithkids.com Great ideas there, and it seems to have fewer readers than it deserves.

    Do you follow Blue Yonder? Not entirely a craft blog, but if you like SouleMama and Uncommon Grace, I think you’d enjoy it. Great photos and charming writing. http://blueyonder.typepad.com/

    (And if you want to read the blog of a homeschooling mom who tries to craft, but just as often writes about how guilty she feels for not doing so, you might want to stop by my blog. 😉 )

    Thanks for all your fabulous links!

  4. Patricia says:

    Oh, and one more: Handmade Homeschool. She’s written some recent posts with tons of link for handcrafting holiday gifts. Good stuff. handmadehomeschool.wordpress.com/

  5. Jona says:

    What a lovely blog you have! Thank you for including me in your craft blog list (it’s such an honor to be in such fine company!). Now I’m going to look around here a bit! 😉

  6. Gail says:

    Thanks so much for this list! I was so inspired by your quilt block posts a while back, and your story about curtain making. That weekend I finally made some curtains for my bedroom after complaining for a year about the ones that were up (mine didn’t turn out straight either, but I don’t mind). And I haven’t quilted yet, but just being in my sewing room, looking over all the fabrics, got me doing other projects. Now most of my Christmas gifts are going to be handmade. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Melissa Wiley says:

    Patricia, thanks for the suggestions! I sub to both Handmade Homeschool and Blue Yonder already, but they’re tagged “homeschoolers” in my Reader, not Craft. It gets tricky, sometimes, to know how to categorize people. None of us fit perfectly into any one box. 🙂

    Can’t wait to check out your other recommendations!

  8. Alkelda the Gleeful says:

    I recommend happy stuff, which is a mixture of handcrafting (the author has a business called pidoodle) and joyful things in general. Here is the link: http://www.jayandcarissa.com/carissa/blog/

  9. Melissa Wiley says:

    Ooh, I just checked out the happy stuff link and realized I ‘know’ Carissa from her work in one of the quilt square swaps. I am totally enthralled with all those virtual quilting bees and every time someone posts a new square for the swap, I’m all kinds of excited.

  10. cloudscome says:

    I am glad to be able to see your crafty blogroll. As soon as my grad school term ends I am going to be knitting and sewing a blue streak so I will be clicking from here!

  11. Meredith says:

    That is so cool, and what a great idea, we have almost all the same handcrafts blogs saved, there are SO many good ones, thanks for sharing them here 🙂

  12. Toni says:

    Check out Wee Wonderfuls. I think your girls would enjoy that one. Ravelry is an awesome resource for knitters, crocheters, and spinners. You have to join but it is free and can be tremendously helpful if you are stuck for ideas/inspiration or if you need help. Have fun exploring!!!

  13. Penny in VT says:

    Lissa – do you know about sublime stitching?


    She has a blog too, and the coolest embroidery patterns!

    Apologies if this is a repeat 🙂

  14. cici says:

    meslissa, thank you. i’m honored to be listed among the truly greats on that list.

  15. cici says:

    haha! that wasn’t french. just a typo!

  16. Cate says:

    You need to add Knitting Iris on there as well. She’s a homeschooling mama who is very focused on the outdoors, natural dying, etc. http://knittingiris.typepad.com/knitting_iris/

  17. Jennifer says:

    JC Handmade is good, Lissa.

  18. Becky says:

    I’m not crafty, but my kids are, and I pretend I’m crafty by reading the craft blogs and coming up with ideas for the kids :).

    Some others, besides the ones above, that I like,

    How About Orange

    The woman behind The Crafty Crow is Bella Dia,

    and her twin circle is at Full Circle,

    They are hs’ers, too, so it’s hard to say where to put things 🙂

  19. Clotilde says:

    Nice to have found your blog. Crafty people are some of the warmest human beings there are!