Rilla Goes Babywatching

February 4, 2009 @ 2:06 pm | Filed under: ,

Despite the infant’s attempt to camouflage himself as a pack of crayons, the well-equipped observer may be able to spy him at close range.

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16 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Penny in VT says:

    hee hee ho ho ha ha – and waaaaay too cute!

  2. Jamie says:

    Do those pajamas he is wearing have frogs on them???

  3. Theresa says:

    He just blends right in, doesn’t he? LOL!

  4. sarah says:

    Lol and awww all in one post.

  5. Alice Gunther says:

    Pure perfection!

  6. Kim says:

    Oh, that is hilarious and so sweet! Gotta love siblings.

  7. Jand Duxbury says:

    lovely photo!

  8. Sarah N. says:

    What a delicious baby photo and what great sibling interaction 🙂

  9. WendyinVA says:

    What Sarah said. :o)

  10. Mary Beth P. says:

    We had that same sleeper. It’s so cute! He is precious (and so is Rilla).

  11. sarah says:

    I just love this. What a great moment to catch on film. Is Beanie reading Tin-Tin in the background?

  12. Heather says:

    that is too cute. 🙂

  13. Jeanne says:

    So what does Rilla think about this new addition, by now?

  14. amy says:

    absolutely precious!!

  15. Beck says:

    Oh, the sweetness. What a cute, cute baby – and his big sister is pretty sweet, too.

  16. Bookie Woogie says:

    Get the art supplies into their hands early!