Link Roundup
March 10, 2009 @ 11:28 am | Filed under: Links
- Pink dolphin appears in US lake – Telegraph– HT The Common Room
- Iridescent: Hands-on Science Courses – “Our courses are real-world and sessions have hands-on, inquiry-based experiments. These experiments are taken from master teachers and informal science education organizations. What makes us unique is the story that links the experiments together, showing children the REAL-WORLD RELEVANCE OF SCIENCE AND MATH.”
- Shmoop Poetry: Themes, Interpretation, Technique, Write an Essay Paper -I’ve only poked around a little but looks like some nifty stuff there
- Doodle 4 Google – “Welcome to Doodle 4 Google, a competition where we invite K-12 students to play around with our homepage logo and see what new designs they come up with.”
- The Kindle Revolution | The Big Money – Interesting look at changes & potential changes in the publishing industry.
- FREE mini icecream in a restaurant– How to make ice cream at Waffle House using those little creamer cups.
- Further Thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, etc – The Wine-Dark Sea blogThoughtful post on the use of social media.