Rilla’s Song

September 18, 2009 @ 6:05 am | Filed under:

(To the tune, of course, of “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly.”)

All I want is a cinnamon bear
From that package right over there
With mommy for a chair
Oh isn’t it just loverly

All the red bears that I can eat
A little bit spicy, a little bit sweet
I like to start with the feet
Oh isn’t it just loverly

Oh so loverly eatin’ absobloominlutely all
I have a giant appetite, even though I am very small

Cinnamon bears clutched in both my fists
Cinnamon mouth with a cinnamon kiss
And mommy’s singing about this!
Oh isn’t
Just loverly.

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8 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Deb says:

    Oh, THANK YOU so much for posting this! This is masterful. My girls are going to love singing this version.

  2. MelanieB says:


  3. Emily says:

    LOVE this! So cute! Now I have it in my head, which isn’t a bad thing. 🙂

  4. Mrs. Mordecai says:

    Oh, so cute!

  5. mamacrow says:


  6. sarah says:

    I love it!!

  7. Andrea Stolz says:

    This is genius. And would make the most fabulous commercial evar. Got any friends in advertising?

  8. Jennifer says:

    Now I want cinnamon bears.