A few last quotes from A Far Cry from Kensington

January 27, 2013 @ 9:09 pm | Filed under: ,

On William, a highly intelligent medical student with an impoverished background:

“What moved and astonished me most was that he knew no nursery rhymes and fairy stories. He had read Dostoevsky, Proust, he read Aristotle and Sophocles in Gree. He had read Chaucer and Spenser. He was musical. He could analyse Shostakovich and Bartok. He quoted Schopenhauer. But he didn’t know Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, the Three Bears, Red Riding-Hood. He knew the story of Cinderella only through Rossini’s opera. And all that sweet lyricism of our Anglo-Saxon childhood, a whole culture with rings on its fingers and bells on its toes, had been lost to him in that infancy of slums and smelly drains, rats and pawnshops, street prostitutes, curses, rags and hacking coughs, freezing bare feet and no Prince Charmings, which had still been the lot of the really poor in the years between the first and second world wars. I had never before realized how the very poor people of the cities had inevitably been deprived of their own simple folklore of childhood.”

On why writers should have cats:

“Alone with the cat in the room where you work, I explained, the cat will invariably get up on your desk and settle placidly under the desk-lamp…will settle down and be serene, with a serenity that passes all understanding. And the tranquillity of the cat will gradually come to affect you, sitting there at your desk, so that all the excitable qualities that impede your concentration and give your mind back the self-command it has lost. You need noto watch the cat all the time. Its presence alone is enough. The effect of a cat on your concentration is remarkable, very mysterious.”

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Joann says:

    I have met many children who don’t know fairy stories and nursery rhymes. Or know them only through Disney. So heart breaking.

  2. Sarah says:

    Cynthia Leitich Smith onces said if her cat sleeps on her manuscript she knows she’ll sell it…

  3. Lynn Marie says:

    On the passage about a writer having a cat…As I recall the man takes her advice and writes several volumes on his war memories. The books don’t do well and she says something like “well I told you how to write them, I didn’t say they would be successful!”