“Think of a book…”

August 20, 2013 @ 6:42 pm | Filed under:

“…any book. It’s hard to think of a really bad book this way, but think of a good book, one of your favorite books ever, as like a newborn child, a newborn child brought into the world. A book. Probably a lot more planning and thought and design and construction, at least intellectually, goes into that book than goes into most babies. Books have a cover. They have beginnings, middles and ends. They’re somebody’s dream, they’re somebody’s creation. They never satisfy—just like people—but they’re in some ways the greatest things we have, and sometimes it’s nice to remind ourselves of that, in the places where we take them most for granted.”

David W. Blight

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Leah H says:

    My oldest son has always loved to write, but doesn’t always love to let people read his work. When begging him to let me read his latest one day, he said, “It’s like my baby, it’s a part of me, it’s almost so personal I don’t want to share it with anyone.” When I talked to him about publishing his work he said that it would kill him to have anyone criticize something that was such a part of him.

    I want to thank you for introducing me to Jane of Lantern Hill! I finished it yesterday, and loved it! I loved Anne, adored the Story Girl, but regretfully I stopped reading any more Montgomery books when I didn’t like Emily. I am off to read The Blue Castle now. 🙂

    One more thing; I read the Martha Years books last week. They were wonderful! I find myself thinking of Martha and missing her like she’s somebody I know. I’m looking forward to reading The Prairie Thief. 🙂

  2. Melissa Wiley says:

    Leah, I’m so thrilled to hear that! You’ve made my day.

    Can’t wait to hear how you like The Blue Castle!

  3. Leah H says:

    Well, you don’t have to wait very long. I couldn’t put it down! I read it late into the night last night, and most of today, and finished it a couple hours ago. It was magical! So many little delightful, heartwarming twists and turns in that story! It feels downright luxurious to add 2 more Montgomery books to my beloved favorites list to be read and reread lovingly.

    I have put the Charlotte Years books on request at my library. I’m looking forward to getting more glimpses of Martha in them, and learning to love Charlotte as well.

  4. sarah says:

    I just read The Blue Castle this week too and loved it so dearly! What a wonderful, magical book. Infact it may well now be my favourite LM Montgomery book, which is really saying something. I’ve just started Magic for Marigold and am enjoying it too but I haven’t got to the part with Marigold in it, and I fear it may ultimately be too young for me …

    I didn’t like Emily either, although I read her books because I am always willing to try a Montgomery story.

    My copy of The Blue Castle had a strident feminist analysis in its prologue and it was very disheartening. I am sure the editor had a completely different (and wrong!) view of the book from mine.