“…do other people cherish and love each other like we do?”

November 23, 2013 @ 8:26 am | Filed under:


This ties in beautifully (and heartbreakingly) to yesterday’s discussion: Love Letter Found on 500-Year-Old Mummified Body.

You always said, “Dear, let’s live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day.” How could you pass away without me? Who should I and our little boy listen to and how should we live? How could you go ahead of me?

How did you bring your heart to me and how did I bring my heart to you? Whenever we lay down together you always told me, “Dear, do other people cherish and love each other like we do? Are they really like us?” How could you leave all that behind and go ahead of me?

I just cannot live without you. I just want to go to you…

Read the rest. If you can bear it. I need to go cling to Scott for a while.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. AlmostMe says:

    How incredibly beautiful.

  2. tanita says:

    Started reading the tumblr last week of a woman who recently and abruptly lost her husband in July, and — yes, to the clinging. She so beautifully says many of the same things that this does — and you just need to cling after that.