Nearly five years ago we planted a Trackable in a geocache near our home in San Diego. Since then, we’ve watched it travel back and forth across the United States, with jaunts to Honduras, Belize, and the Cayman Islands. Today we got a notice that it is currently in Ulster, Ireland. New life goal: to travel like my trackable.

Some things I shared on Instagram this week. Lots of rain, but quite a lot of sun, too, and we even had short-sleeves weather one day. As for the rain, well, I’ve become a person who puts on her boots and gets out for a walk, rain or shine. Charlotte Mason would be proud.
(My hair, though. Hoo boy, my hair.)
Songs in heavy rotation on my walking playlist this week:
Anthem by Leonard Cohen (this version performed by Perla Batalla & Julie Christensen, which I adore beyond reckoning)
Life on Mars

One of the talks I gave at the VaHomeschoolers Conference was about habit-building, so my own habits (good and bad) have been much on my mind—especially my lost habit of daily blogging. I’m rusty!
And a bit blank. I always feel like I have so much to say as I’m opening the tab, and then it all skitters away.
Well: there’s always notes about the day. We’ve had steady rain all day and I had to settle for only a short walk, not the long rambles I’ve been enjoying. This morning we meant to do some Serious Lessoning but instead I wound up showing the kids YouTube clips of 70s and 80s theme songs and other important pop culture touchstones. 😉 H.R. Pufnstuf’s opening remains as bizarre as it was when I was little, for the record.
I spent the afternoon working on my final issue of this year’s BraveWriter Arrow lineup: The Thing About Luck. And now I’m drying off from my walk and realizing it’s just about time to get ready for the next event on my list: a town hall with my state senator and representative. Time to put on my advocacy hat.
What was your Thursday like?
Who, me in denial? Tax day around the corner, and deadlines not far behind?
Not to mention someone’s twelfth birthday coming up. TWELVE.

Things we did today:
• Fed the neighborhood goats, Woodrow and Grover
• Made a cloud in a bottle
• German with Felix & Franzi