Archive for May 16th, 2024

Mid-May in the garden

May 16, 2024 @ 8:13 am | Filed under:

Some quick notes to capture what’s in bloom. Too much to list, really—

rhododendrons falling
lupines outstretched & glorious, full of native bees
California poppies poking their orange heads between the blue spires
Icelandic poppies nodding, lifting, days away from blooming
nasturtium seedlings getting hearty
pumpkin and beans just poking above the soil
swamp milkweed pink and cheery
strawberries! a few sweet alpines to savor every day
bleeding heart loving the shade of the neighbor’s maple
columbines tall and unfolding their wings
blueberries and black currants forming fruit: tiny, round, green orbs

Ack—something’s wrong with my WordPress. Can’t upload photos. Imagine a really stunning orange and yellow columbine at the top.

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