Commonplace post: Dec 9-15

One of my favorite moments in time. This would have been December 2005. Reposting it today in honor of these two birthday fellas. Love!
This practice worked well for me last week, so I’m giving it another go this week. I’ll update the post throughout the week as new passages capture my fancy. New entries will appear at the top of the post.
After all, if you’re hopelessly trapped in the present [note: Burkeman’s argument is that understanding this reality is a good thing that vastly improves our quality of life], it follows that your responsibility can only ever be to the very next moment—that your job is always simply to do what Carl Jung calls ‘the next and most necessary thing’ as best you can.
—Oliver Burkeman, Meditations for Mortals
This post contains affiliate links. I’m also doing a better job of updating my Bookshop shop (lol). Here on the blog, there’s a widget in the sidebar for my current/recent reading adventures. And I’ve got other collections of books there if you’re looking for great gift ideas.
Jamie says:
Lissa, your December posts aren’t showing up in my RSS reader — wonder why? I am a Feedly user if that helps you track down the issue.
On December 11, 2024 at 6:08 am
Melissa Wiley says:
Jamie, thanks so much for letting me know! I’ve checked my RSS feed and also looked at a different feed reader, and the December posts are there. So I’m wondering if it’s a Feedly issue rather than my feed specifically. In my own Feedly, I’m seeing the same thing you are: none of my December posts appear. I’ll check with my web host. One other possibility is that I added a Substack widget to the sidebar the other day—I’m wondering if that somehow clashed with Feedly. (Can’t think how, but who knows?) I’ve removed it—it was clunky anyway—so maybe that will resolve the issue. I’ll try a new post and we’ll see if anything has changed. Heads up much appreciated!
On December 11, 2024 at 9:07 am