Archive for the ‘Nature Study’ Category
All’s Quiet at the Bird Feeder
Gee, I wonder why.
Blurry photo. Couldn’t be helped. Baby tugging on arm, etc. This fellow was perched atop our back fence about three feet from the bird feeder. Later, Scott saw him plummet out of the sky into our bushes. Sorry, little sparrows.
“I see a mermaid riding on a unicorn…”
Here’s something fun: the Cloud Appreciation Society. Float on over to check out some amazing photos, learn about the different types of clouds, and marvel at the Cloud of the Month. I particularly enjoyed the Society’s manifesto:
WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned
and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.We think that they are Nature’s poetry,
and the most egalitarian of her displays, since
everyone can have a fantastic view of them.We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it.
Life would be dull if we had to look up at
cloudless monotony day after day.
“Fight blue-sky thinking.” Hee. Here’s the rest.
I wonder if the Society knows about the Snoopy “Clouds” song?
The pyramids of Khufu!
You too?
Seven wonders of the world…
The Definition of Shudder
Banded Garden Spider. Legspan: three inches.
That hole at the tob of the web?
Is where I stuck my hand.
“A Little Egg Lay on a Leaf”
How many times have you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar aloud?
It’s got to be in the hundreds for me. Seems like every single one of my kids has had a time when that book was the favorite above all others.
But in all these years, I’ve never actually seen a real caterpillar egg—until now.
Can you see it? The little white dot on the underside of the leaf, quite near the stem. I watched the butterfly lay this egg and immediately afterward I ran inside for the camera, so this photo was taken no more than two minutes into the egg’s existence.
I hope the other caterpillars don’t eat that leaf. They are munching away and growing quite fat. We’ve counted up to eleven at one time but it’s likely we’re missing a good many. Counting callerpidders has become Rilla’s favorite thing to do. Mine too!
Butterfly watch: two monarchs, a tiger swallowtail, several painted ladies, and assorted sulphurs and cabbage whites. Also a possible viceroy sighting but Jane, my resident expert, wasn’t there to confirm.
As for our blue flower…Jenn, I was sure it was a cornflower too, but the rest of them are coming up—
(The color’s a bit washed out in this photo. The flower is really a soft shade of pale pink. Hmm….)
Blue Eye Opens
…I might post something other than photos from our butterfly garden,
…but I wouldn’t hold your breath.