Posts Tagged ‘Downton Abbey’

Come Dish About Downton

January 7, 2013 @ 2:31 pm | Filed under:

I’m hosting Downton Abbey open threads over at GeekMom again this year.

Below stairs, tension is introduced in the form of one gangly Alfred, the nephew of O’Brien, whose work history causes Carson to grow extra grizzles in his eyebrows on the spot. O’Brien, undeterred, smoothly manipulates Lady Cora into convincing a distracted Lord Grantham to hire the lad. (Later, upon hearing a new footman has been installed, Lord Grantham will react with the same bewilderment I felt upon seeing Matthew and Mary at the altar.) Alfred, as is required of all new Downton Abbey employees, gets off to a dodgy start: “You’re too tall for a footman,” declares Carson, and you can almost hear the Downton mortar crumbling at the indignity of a former hotel waiter (gasp) serving the family at dinner. (Relax, beautiful house; we’re soon to learn that Alfred is the least of your worries.)

Come join us!

Dishing Downton

February 21, 2012 @ 7:02 pm | Filed under: ,

At GeekMom again. Going to be a looooonnnng wait until Season 3…

At least there’s always Mad Men.

An aside: Last night on Twitter, Amy Kraft joked that she’d like to see early readers based on Downton. I spent the rest of the night entertaining myself (if no one else) with Downton Abbey: The Nursery Years.

We hid in the garden from the nasty governess.
Carson found us in the shrubbery.
Granny was quite put out.


What’s funny is that in its first incarnation, way back in 2006, my book that is now called The Prairie Thief was going to be set in an Upstairs/Downstairs-esque Edwardian household. We’d been watching U/D and I was captivated by the dynamics, especially the downstairs crowd; the main character was going to be the daughter of a servant. But about two chapters in, the whole story up and transplanted itself to a landscape I knew inside and out: the Colorado prairie. Eventually the story itself transformed into an entirely different tale. So I guess that original story is still lurking in my brain somewhere, awaiting its turn. 🙂

Won’t be soon, though; I’m neck-deep in a Whole Nother Book.

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Downton Abbey Open Thread

January 31, 2011 @ 4:29 pm | Filed under:

It’s that time again…and the last time for a while, sadly. What did you think of the season finale? Lots of cliffhanger plotlines. Suspense makes me grumpy.

Spoilers in the comments.

Downton Abbey Open Thread

January 22, 2011 @ 7:56 pm | Filed under:

I forgot to post this after we watched Episode 2. New ep tomorrow night!

Bound to be spoilers in the comments below. Episode 2 certainly gave us lots to talk about…

MONDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: We watched Episode 3 last night so that may be part of the combox discussion—consider yourself spoiler-warned. 🙂