Posts Tagged ‘WRAD13’

It’s World Read-Aloud Day!

March 6, 2013 @ 10:27 am | Filed under:


What are you reading aloud today, and to whom?

This morning I had the fun of visiting a 2nd-grade class in West Salem, Wisconsin (via Skype), to read Fox and Crow Are Not Friends and answer lots of great questions. In a little while, I’ll be zipping down to Gainesville, Texas (virtually, of course), to share Inch and Roly with a pre-K/kindergarten class.

After that? I have an Elephant and Piggie date with Huck, and Rilla’s been asking for Brambly Hedge again. I’ve been wondering if Freddy the Pig would be up Wonderboy’s alley…

ready to skype

Ready for the next Skype visit

Special thanks to author Kate Messner for her efforts in connecting authors and classrooms.

P.S. Have you rustled up a copy of Ballet Shoes for our Noel Streatfeild read-along? We’ll start gabbing about it later this week. (But you can join in anytime, if it takes you longer than that to find a copy. That’s the beauty of a blog discussion. No expiration date!)