Speech Therapy at Home

July 20, 2007 @ 2:42 pm | Filed under: , , ,

You know how enthusiastically I recommend the Signing Time DVDs as a resource for developing expressive and receptive language skills in young children, even those whose hearing is normal.

I’ve written, too, about how useful I am finding the Visual Phonics program as an aide to helping Wonderboy (3 1/2 years old, moderate hearing loss) expand the range of consonant sounds he can make.

I’m always on the lookout for useful resources, and this website looks promising: Mommy Speech Therapy. Posts range from practical advice for helping a child work on specific sounds to informative discussions about working with speech professionals, getting a diagnosis, and when to be concerned about things like lisps, pacifiers, and thumb-sucking.

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4 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. KC says:

    Thank you for that great link! Both my older girls have speech therapy for articulation problems (most notably /k/ and /g/ sounds and that link started with that topic.

  2. Christine says:

    This looks like a great website, Melissa! Thanks so much for sharing it. My 4.5 yo dd has some minor speech issues (a lisp and trouble with the r sound) and I’ve put off getting her evaluated thinking we could resolve it at home (as we did with my older daughter). This will be very helpful.

  3. Christine says:

    Thank you for the tip.

  4. Jennifer says:

    I’ve been looking forever for a visual phonic program for my youngest! Thank you thank you! He’s a visual learner and he has a speech and language delay and CAP. That site is awesome!