
November 22, 2011 @ 3:32 pm | Filed under:

Strange day. This morning I was so immersed in researching law-enforcement pepper-spray procedures that I completely spaced Rose’s orthodontist appointment. “This isn’t like you!” said the nice woman from his office. “We were worried!”

Took Wonderboy to the grocery store to shop for Thanksgiving—two of our favorite people in the world are coming for dinner—and forced myself not to peek at my phone to see where the Facebook conversation had gone this time.

A little while ago, I learned that Anne McCaffrey, whose dragon-filled world I practically LIVED IN in high school, passed away last night. She had a stroke. I wrote a brief post for GeekMom and hope to write more later, if I can find the words.

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Ellie says:

    Oh no. Oh did she? Oh my. We’ve lost so many writers this past, I don’t know, recently. Brian Jacques, Diana Wynn Jones … The Dragons of Pern were such a favorite reread of mine for so many years … 🙁

  2. Molly Norris says:

    Very sad to hear this! I have many found memories of her stories and the lands they took me to.

  3. Molly Norris says:

    and that is fond memories not found. 😛

  4. MelanieB says:

    Oh I hadn’t heard about Anne McCaffrey. Her Pern books were a fixture of my youth. May she rest in peace.

  5. sarah says:

    I wrote a post about her too, although mine isnt brief. Sad, sad news. And so many people saying how her books meant so much to them in high school. I wish I had known, back then.

    It has been a strange kind of day, hasnt it. I hope your dinner is wonderful, with “the best” company – well informed people with a great deal of conversation 🙂

  6. tanita says:

    Oh, your weekend was a lot like mine. I watched the pepper spraying video, wept, did research, ate cranberry bread. Yesterday found out Anne McCaffrey died, wept, wrote a blog post…and realized I hadn’t gone to the pharmacy, and the nice ladies there have my prescription and are wondering where I am.

    I need a vacation.