
April 14, 2013 @ 7:03 pm | Filed under:


Remember yesterday when this happened?

Seven, you guys. She’s SEVEN.

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  1. sarah says:

    Happy birthday to your sweet girl! (At least, I assume it’s her birthday, and not some random day on which you suddenly thought, oh my gosh she’s seven.)

    Seven, it just seems so impossible. On the one hand, the time has gone so fast. On the other hand, it’s impossible to imagine there was ever a world without a Rilla in it – and I don’t even actually know her, so it must be even more so for you. She certainly has made the world a better place, just in the delight we get from your stories of her.

    (I read that old post, by the way, and had to smile over your mentioning blog names. Every time you call her by her real name it takes me a few seconds to adjust, she is so much Rilla to me. But I love her real name too :-))

    Many, many blessings to her, and hugs sent from the ends of the earth 🙂

  2. sarah says:

    Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  3. Wendy in VA says:

    Wow. That picture is still one of the sweetest new-baby-with-big-sister pictures I’ve ever seen. Happy birthday, Rilla!

  4. Karen Edmisten says:

    Noooooooooo! It can’t be! Because I haven’t seen her since she was only 1/2!

  5. Ellie says:

    Yeah, like, what? Joshua just turned 11 — eleven — a few days ago and I just dunno … Seven seems enormous. Old. Worldly. Sevens are becoming so sware of the world around them, in books and art and nature and language. It’s wonderful to witness, and a tad unnerving: we get glimpses, through seven, of their grown selves.

    Oddly though, remembering baby Rilla being born (blog-born 🙂 ) it seems so much longer ago than seven years. That life seems decades ago, in many ways ….

    Big {{hugs}}

  6. Penny says:

    Happy Birthday to your wee (ok not so wee) sweetie! I hope her next seven are as great as her first! xo

  7. tanita says:

    FIFTY HUNDRED happy returns of the day. ☺☺

  8. maria says:

    Happy Birthday to the spunkiest seven year old possibly ever! Do hope it is the best b’day and year yet! Seven is a most wonderful age to be, but yeah, wow…..she got there quite fast.

    P.S. i read ‘blink’ and thought perhaps you had dove into Doctor Who.
    because “Blink” is an excellent episode to begin with, if one were so inclined. 😉

  9. Ivy says:

    Happy birthday to your little girl! Time does fly. Mine is turning 7 in September. She was just a baby when I started following your blog.