
July 26, 2016 @ 6:20 pm | Filed under: ,

Comic-Con was great. I am wiped out.

(A very short story, The End.)

Here: a few thousand more words.


Lunch with Jock and Lee

Alice cosplay

Jenni, Raina, Lissa

Kidlit geniuses

me and the girls

Top of the Hyatt

SDCC Fitbit stats

Huck falls asleep reading Nursery Rhyme Comics

Tomorrow: a return to Regularly Scheduled Life.

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2 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Penny says:

    I think you might just have the best t-shirts of anyone, anywhere, ever.

    Looks like a blast – you and your fella look like kids in a candy store, so nice to see such joy!

  2. kortney says:

    The Bridge!