Elephant: the Sequel

March 22, 2005 @ 9:02 pm | Filed under:

Elephant_1Beanie’s elephant, pictured here in all its glory, made another appearance on Scott’s blog yesterday. Note the scorch mark on its right tusk. Oops.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Julie Bogart says:

    Oh thank you! I’ve been imagining it all wrong. This is a far more substantial elephant than I had pictured in my mind. Love the scorched ears and the squooshy tusks.

    What a cool family you have. Artistic to the core.

    And I’m with Scott – I think the good Lord is kicking himself for not thinking of this jazzy color combo for the pernicious pachyderm.

  2. Kim says:

    Yes, I am happy to see the famed elephant at last! Melissa, I reviewed your blog at AHA weblogs so pop on by.

    Thanks for visiting me so often too.

  3. Melissa Wiley says:

    Kim, thanks for the review! I really enjoy your site—both your personal one and the weblogs blog. I’ve had a lot of fun perusing the blogs you are reviewing. Thanks for all the great links.