Carnival Central
May 24, 2006 @ 5:36 am | Filed under: Carnivals
Who needs the Tilt-a-Whirl when you’ve got breakfast table conversation like this?
“Mommy, how come in some Bible stories the parents love one child better than the others?”
(Ear-splitting wail.) “Aiiieeeee! Moooom! I just kicked the table with the toe that was bleeding a week ago!”
(What is it with the toe injuries around here?)
“Updown! Updown! Updown!” (Wonderboy’s word for “Hey look, I can climb on the stepstool all by myself!”)
“Rats. Now there’s milk on my shirt AND my chair. Oh, look, and the floor!”
When my head stops spinning maybe I’ll check out this week’s carnivals: Homeschooling at Principled Discovery and Education at NYC Educator.
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