Attention, Moms Who Blog
If you…
• find yourself composing posts in your head whenever something funny happens
• find yourself composing posts in your head whenever something annoying happens
• find yourself composing posts in your head pretty much all the time
• are on a constant quest for the perfect banner image
• and keep thinking of ideas for more
• think "heavy traffic" is a good thing
• have ever said LOL out loud in real-life conversation
• have ever said "But I blogged about it!" incredulously when a friend or relative didn’t know your toddler had, say, knocked out a tooth
• get a little stressed over how out of date your blogroll is
• can’t resist trying out every new blog platform to come along
• are proud to be a flappy bird, a marauding marsupial, or an adorable rodent
• but aspire to someday become a large mammal
• have attended more carnivals in the past year than in the entire rest of your life put together
• compulsively click your site meter
• keep running lists of funny phrases people have Googled to find your blog
• would rather give up your dishwasher than your feed reader
• wonder how to strike a balance between living life and writing about it
…you are not alone. Join me at CafeMom to talk shop with other blogging mamas!
Three Sons and A Princess (Jennefer) says:
Thanks for the link! I have had a lot of people sign up for the “blog traffic” carnival tomorrow, so hopefully there will be some good information there that we can all use.
On April 29, 2007 at 12:33 pm