The Little House Books in Chronological Order

October 14, 2008 @ 6:19 am | Filed under:

A frequently asked question:

Where can I find a listing of all the Little House books in order?

Here you go:

Books about Martha Morse, Laura’s great-grandmother, by me, Melissa Wiley:

Little House in the Highlands
The Far Side of the Loch
Down to the Bonny Glen
Beyond the Heather Hills

Books about Charlotte Tucker, Laura’s grandmother, also by me:

Little House by Boston Bay
On Tide Mill Lane
The Road from Roxbury
Across the Puddingstone Dam

Books about Caroline Quiner Ingalls, Laura’s mother, by Maria Wilkes & Celia Wilkins:

Little House in Brookfield
Little Town at the Crossroads
Little Clearing in the Woods
On Top of Concord Hill
Across the Rolling River
Little City by the Lake
A Little House of Their Own

Books by and about Laura Ingalls Wilder (the originals):

Little House in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years

Books about Laura’s daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, by her heir, Roger Lea MacBride:

Little House on Rocky Ridge
Little Farm in the Ozarks
In the Land of the Big Red Apple
The Other Side of the Hill
Little Town in the Ozarks
New Dawn on Rocky Ridge
On the Banks of the Bayou
Bachelor Girl

Note: Many of the Martha, Charlotte, Caroline, and Rose books have gone out of print and can be difficult to find. Some of them are only available in abridged editions.

For a listing of other books by and about Laura Ingalls Wilder, visit the publisher’s website.

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13 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. patience says:

    For some reason, I keep deleting subscriptions from my Reader and they keep reappearing. So I am getting both your sites up every morning. This morning it occasioned a little smile – I like the way you put different illustrations on the posts!

    My Rose loved the Martha & Charlotte books and still talks about aspects of them.

    People interested in the series might also be interested in a biography written about Rose Wilder Lane. It reveals the extent to which she contributed towards the Little House books.

  2. Rebecca says:

    In the regular Little House series, The Long Winter comes before Little Town on the Prairie.

  3. Quintanaroo says:

    I love the Little House books but i am very confused about the order. Your list above was very helpful but then I found ‘Young Pioneers’ where does that fit in?

  4. Melissa Wiley says:

    Young Pioneers is not in the chronology—it was written by Laura’s daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. (Am I thinking of the right book? Original title was Let the Hurricane Roar?)

  5. Taylor says:

    So did the actual laura ingalls wilder write her series?

    MW: Taylor, yes, Laura wrote the books about her own childhood.

  6. Abby says:

    All the series on the little house covers are different. If you look at all of them at once, you may see that all the books are in different order, and its just listing the book’s names.

  7. Paula Jeanne Damien says:

    As a retired person I have more time to think about my favorite books the “Little House” series. I am currently reading the first book about Martha and wanted to know about the houses etc discribed in the book. This is a really neat website that puts the book into pictures:

    Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  8. Judi says:

    Do you know of a character in the Little House books named “Champion”? My friend’s mother insists she named her son “Champion” after a character from the Little House books.

  9. Paige says:

    Why have the Martha, Charlotte, Caroline and Rose books gone out of print? As a huge fan of Laura’s books I read all the books and the books about her family. Now being older I want to purchase them all for my own collection as the libraries are getting rid of them. It does not help that I am Canadian and have a hell of a time of even finding them! Do you know of any places that still carries them?

  10. Melissa Wiley says:

    Hi, Paige! When a publisher allows a book to go out of print, it pretty much always means one thing: the book isn’t selling very well anymore. That’s why all those series went out of print. Of course it happened before social media took off, so if HarperCollins ever decides to bring them back (particularly as ebooks, which has been discussed but doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon), we’d be able to give them a nice big push and I think they’d do very well.

    You can sometimes find used copies on eBay or Amazon Marketplace, but they tend to be extremely expensive in those outlets. (I don’t get royalties on used book sales, so please know those prices don’t have anything to do with me.)

  11. Suzanne Becker says:

    Years ago my mother sent her sister a book by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The book was accompanied by a letter in which she references Chapter Four saying that this chapter is about fairies. I have the letter, but not the book. Can you suggest which book she might have given her sister?

    Thanks for your help.


  12. Melissa Wiley says:

    I know Laura wrote a collection of fairy poems which were published in a collection compiled by Stephen Hines in 1998: Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Fairy Poems. But that doesn’t seem likely to be the book described in your mother’s letter. I’m wondering if they might have been mentioned in I Remember Laura, which Hines wrote. I have a copy of that somewhere—I’ll take a peek at chapter 4!

  13. Melissa Wiley says:

    Aha! Found it—not I Remember Laura, but rather Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings (edited by Hines!). Chapter Four: Have you seen any fairies lately? —several poems from the fairy book.