Happy Hearts

February 14, 2009 @ 12:07 pm | Filed under:


Another week, another delightful visit with beautiful online friends.


This time it was the charming Diane of Journey of a Mother’s Heart who paid San Diego a visit. Erica did the honors, opening her lovely home to me and my brood, Kristen and her sweet girls, and Diane and her sister-in-law and adorable nephews. What a fun day. I already knew I was going to love hanging out with Diane; her warm, funny, generous, lively spirit won my heart a long time ago.


Wonderboy was smitten too.

Delicious lunch, stimulating conversation, busy children, snuggly babies: a perfect morning. The time passed too quickly, is all.

All right, who’s next?

(And Erica, thanks so much for providing the cookie-decorating for the children. They were thrilled, and it got me out of having to muster a Valentine’s craft myself. Hee.)

On the CPSIA front: Alicia has started an Illegal Books Meme to help spread awareness of the issue. I’ll be chiming in as soon as I can upload some pictures of books it would now be illegal to sell.

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. sarah says:

    Another wonderful gathering 🙂 And I see you got the baby in this time too 🙂 He looks so snug in your arms – how do you ever manage to put him down?

    The CPSIA thing boggles my mind and hurts my heart.

  2. Jennifer says:

    What a lovely group!!
    My children can’t stop talking about how much fun they had with Wonderboy.

  3. Maria says:

    We HEART Diane!!

    Maybe one day we’ll make our way down!

  4. Karen Edmisten says:

    Wah! I’m jealous!

  5. Kathryn says:

    Well, I dont know that I would count as a blog friend but since you specifically asked “Who’s next?” I’ll mention: My family and I are going to be in Southern California (Disneyland & Carlsbad) almost the first two weeks in March. Up for trying a meet up?