I Heard You Just Fine

August 2, 2009 @ 10:27 am | Filed under:

I was up very early with the baby this morning, and after a less-than-restful night I was badly in need of a nap by 8 a.m. Scott encouraged me to go for it, so back to bed I went. I didn’t so much as open the book I’m reading (The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, a winner so far): just closed my eyes and I was out.

When Scott woke me, I could tell I’d been asleep for a good long while. “What time is it?” I mumbled, still half asleep.


That was perfect: I’d had an hour-long nap and still had plenty of time to get ready for church. I usually take the older kids to the 10:30 Mass and Scott stays home with the little ones. I got up, put in my contacts (no close calls with toothpaste this time) and was enjoying my usual breakfast of yogurt-with-almonds when Scott said something about my needing to get going if I was planning to make the 10:30.

“What do you mean?” I was asking, “I have loads of timeβ€”” when I looked at the clock for the first time and saw that it was 10:20.

“What!” I shrieked. “You said it was nine o’ clock!”

“No I didn’t,” said Scott in bewilderment. “You never asked me what time it was.”

“Yes I did!”

“Honey, no you really didn’t.” His voice was exceedingly gentle, like the tone you use with a crazy person. I could see that he thought I must have dreamed the conversation, but it had been less than ten minutes ago and I knew it had happened.

“I really did,” I persisted. “I said, ‘What time is it,’ and you said, ‘Nine.'”

Scott burst out with a laugh. “Oh! I thought you said, ‘How are the kids,’ and I said, ‘Fine!'”

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Amy says:

    His voice was exceedingly gentle, like the tone you use with a crazy person. I could see that he thought I must have dreamed the conversation,

    Scary, kinda.

    This sort of thing is happening more and more to me, actually!

  2. Beth says:

    But, did you make the 10:30 Mass?? (Enquiring minds and all that).

  3. Melissa (Betty and Boo's Mommy) says:

    Oh, this sounds like a conversation that would happen in my house! πŸ™‚ On another note, I remember those all nighters with the kids all too well ((shudders)) and those mornings when you need a nap by 8 a.m. Hope you are able to get more sleep tonight!

  4. Hannah says:


  5. Jeanne says:

    Yeah, I’m wondering if you made it, too!

  6. Joanie @ The Bright Side says:

    That conversation could totally take place between my husband and me! In fact, I think it did! LOL. Love your blog, by the way.