My Birthday Boys

December 9, 2009 @ 7:35 am | Filed under:

Speaking of getting all teary-eyed, I’m all choked up at the thought that this little boy is six years old today. And that brilliant, funny, cocky, sarcastic guy I married is as wicked cute as ever.

Happy birthday to my two leading men!

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10 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Mamalion says:

    Aww. Happy birthday to both boys! How’s Wonderboy doing?

  2. Penny in VT says:

    Hippo Birdies to both fellas! We’re sending happy wishes from snowy VT!

  3. Sue says:

    Many Happy Returns of the Day!!! (And your dh *is* wicked cute.)

  4. sarah says:

    Best wishes to them both!

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Happy Birthday to your two men! My little guy was 7 today!

  6. Tari says:

    I love what you wrote about your husband. I’ve always told people that when I met mine, the first thing he said to me was rude and so, being 19 at the time, I immediately fell madly in love with him. 🙂 And of course, he wasn’t really, permanently rude, so the story does have a happy ending.

    Happy birthday to them both!

  7. Melissa Wiley says:

    Mamalion, thanks for asking. Wonderboy is doing wonderfully 😉 in the day-to-day; it’s the longer term that is cause for concern, the long, long plateau on his weight chart. More tests tomorrow, in the continued search for the cause of his malabsorption problem.

  8. Anne V. says:

    Really? Six?
    Wow!! Happy Birthday to the guys. Hope you all enjoyed the special day.
    I am feeling old..

  9. Kez says:

    Happy b’day to your boys!!

  10. Joan Peterson says:

    re:Elder Male—Cocky, Sarcastic?????????
    You aint seen nothing yet. Lovable? YES
    Been There! JBP