Go Philo!

January 12, 2010 @ 4:13 pm | Filed under:

This just in from BookClubGirl: the Philomathian Society swept the day during Betsy-Tacy Convert Week.

A paver stone in honor of the Philomathians will be placed outside Maud Hart Lovelace’s home on “Hill Street” that will read:

Convert Week
Winners Fall 09

This proud Philomathian is happy to have been a part of the effort—enthusiastic and successful on both sides—to introduce great numbers of new readers to the Betsy-Tacy books. Thanks to all of you who participated! You’ve made Joe and Winona very proud.

Speaking of Winona, there’s more Betsy-Tacy news to come…Stay tuned!

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. beth says:

    I’m a Betsy-Tacy fan. I haven’t found a few of the Winona books, but I’ve got the main series.

  2. Mae says:

    Oh, let it come soon! Please… 😀

  3. Mitali Perkins says:

    MELISSA!!!!! I’m screaming from Boston, and I can hear you and the girls!!!!! So happy, so happy.

  4. Mae says:

    Just noticed the twitter announcement… Hurray! How utterly perfectly fitting!

  5. Hannah says:

    Ahem, saw the news on Facebook — congratulations!! Let us know the minute it hits the stands. Or the Amazon stands. 🙂