My Sleepy Valentine

February 14, 2010 @ 4:27 pm | Filed under: ,

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14 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Nancy says:

    Can I please have some rice and gravy with those thighs???
    This is a precious picture! Happy, happy baby!

  2. Melissa Wiley says:

    Yes, Nancy, I almost called this post “My Chubby Valentine”!

  3. Maria says:

    Awww! What a sweet, squishy little munchkin! I love it!

  4. sarah says:

    Luckily I live far away or I might just turn up on your doorstep demanding to hug him, and then I don’t know how I’d stop. Look at those beautiful eyelids!!

  5. KC says:

    Those thighs are so cute!!! He’s so cute!

  6. Erin says:

    Oh, I could eat…those…legs…for…DINNER!

  7. Rae says:

    Couldn’t get better. 🙂

  8. Ellie says:

    *shakes head*

    You’re making my ovaries yell again! (Okay, not that they don’t, all on their own!).

    What a little love 🙂

  9. Jeanne says:

    I think you should start, you know, FEEDING him.

  10. Alice Gunther says:

    What a lovely boy!!!!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    Oh my–he’s so adorable!!!

  12. Theresa says:

    I’m sorry, I know it’s a girl word, but he is just too pretty.

  13. Keri says:

    Oh my goodness. That is what life is all about. Kissable boy!!!

  14. Eileen Smithdeal says:

    The most delicious “link” you’ve posted, yet!!!!!