
February 22, 2014 @ 9:10 am | Filed under:

Annie Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker Creek is on sale for Kindle today. This puts me in such a quandary.
1) Have never read it.
2) Have long intended to.
3) Bought a copy in 1993, have moved it 6 times.
4) See #1.
5) Am more likely to read it on Kindle, because eyes.
6) See #3.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Sally says:

    Upon your “quandary” I just purchased the Kindle format of Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. I too have a long list of books I want to read. I have a stack that I move from one place to another changing the order as I move them. My intentions are good but my progress is slow. I am not the avid reader that you are. I find myself sitting and knitting when I have spare time. Once I start to read I will be captured and then find myself reading until the book is completed. Many times that is actually a sad occasion. I find myself pulled into the story line and actually hate to leave when the last page is finished. Thanks to you I have gotten the Kindle Today’s Deals delivered to my email for a long time. I have purchased and read many more books because of the Kindle app. So easy to read whenever – especially when my knitting is not at hand. This is not a Kindle ad but just how reading books works for me. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. kortney says:

    oh my! no quandary. buy the book for your kindle.

    it’s so important, lovely, moving.

    bears re-reading early and often.



  3. janewilk says:

    I find this book good for dipping into, savoring brief passages, and setting aside till the next time. I’ve let myself off the hook on a cover to cover read… But it is so lovely and rich.