Hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years since I wrote this post

November 27, 2014 @ 1:42 pm | Filed under:

She finished the last round of high-dose chemo on Thanksgiving Day of 1997. We ate Boston Market turkey and stuffing in the hospital playroom while her meds finished running. There were two more years of low-dose chemo to go, but we expected to spend most of that period as out-patients. When we got home that night—home, where we hadn’t spent more than ten days in a row since March—it was late, a cold, clear night, with as many stars as a New York City sky can muster. I remember thinking I couldn’t imagine ever being more thankful for anything than I was to be carrying that little girl up the stairs to our apartment that night.

I was wrong.

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3 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. sarah says:


  2. Penny in vt says:

    I weep every time I read this. For sadness that your family went through this, and for joy at the outcome. xoxo

  3. Ellie says:

    {{hugs}} just {{hugs}} and so much gratitude. Oh this life …..