
January 7, 2015 @ 7:18 am | Filed under: , ,

January 1st
I’m going to blog every day this year!

January 3rd
Well, obviously I didn’t mean weekends.

January 5th
::mutter mutter:: Look, that Downton episode was over 90 67 minutes long. These things take time! A LOT of time. Like, I’d have had to start writing in 1924 to have a recap ready to publish by Monday morning.

January 7th
It’s ready to go live! Now I can get back to regularly scheduled blogging.

::small boy appears, wants to cuddle::

Hmm, maybe not quite yet.


(Photo taken by Rilla on New Year’s morning. Thanks again for the excellent gift choice, Godmother.)

I’ll be running the Downton posts at GeekMom this year. Episode 1 should go live today; I’ll post the link here when it’s up.

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6 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Kim says:

    Sounds like the way I do things. So sweet these moments with our babies – no matter their age. And thank you for telling us about CreativeBug. AWESOME!

  2. monica says:

    um you made me panic a little there. Downton was 90 minutes?? I just watched an hour of it?? But just checked and it was 1 hr 7 min according to PBS. whew. now off to read the CNN article about it until you post your recap. 🙂

  3. Melissa Wiley says:

    LOL–guess it just felt that long! (My brain turned 1:07 into 107 minutes this morning when I wrote that post.) 😉

  4. Karen Edmisten says:

    There was a 23-minute bonus reel of Thomas doing some moustache twirling — oh, no, wait, that was Snidely Whiplash in a Rocky and Bullwinkle episode. Yup, Downton was only 67 minutes.

    Love that picture! Hugs from me to him.

  5. Melissa Wiley says:

    Karen, I just tried to LIKE your comment. Blog needs buttons!