December 24, 2013 @ 7:38 am | Filed under:

Bernard Beckett’s Genesis is 1.99 on Kindle today. It was one of my favorite reads of the year a few years back:
After plague and war decimate the human race, a small group of survivors build a protected, isolated island community called The Republic, modeled on Plato’s vision of the perfect society, but rigidly totalitarian. We learn about the history of The Republic via the oral examination given by the somber members of the esteemed Academy to Anax, an earnest young scholar who has prepared long years for this event in hopes of admission. Anax’s subject of specialty is the revolutionary, Adam Forde, whose subversive actions brought down The Republic many years before. A serious and captivating aspect of Adam’s history is his relationship with a robot possessing highly advanced simulated-consciousness technology, and their discussions about the nature of consciousness are incredibly gripping and thought-provoking.
A doozy! You guys! The Betsy-Tacy Treasury (that’s the first four books in the series) is $2.99 on Kindle right now!
Here’s an older post of mine about the books.
Sorry so brief today. Busy busy day! We took the kids to the mountains to see snow. Was Huck and Rilla’s first encounter with it. Oh my little Southern California children.
But I finished re-reading Ballet Shoes for the Streatfeild read-along and I should be able to get a post up about it tomorrow afternoon. Are you reading? Are you ready?
March 10, 2013 @ 10:25 am | Filed under:
The Narnia books are $1.99 each on Kindle today.
Following up on yesterday’s post—some good questions came up in the comments. I’ll tackle this one first: “How does the Send to Kindle app work?”
Send to Kindle
I mentioned how much I rely on Send to Kindle to read long-form posts and articles later, away from my computer. This is an official Amazon app but there are third-party equivalents, too. (See Send to Reader, below. Instapaper is another.)
How it works: I installed Send to Kindle in my browser. (There are Chrome and Firefox versions, PC and Mac desktop versions, and even an Android app.)

In Chrome, the Send to Kindle icon appears at the top right of my browser—see the orange K?
When I’m reading a post online and I want to send it to my Kindle, all I have to do is click the icon.
If I want, I can choose to send the article to the Kindle app on an iPhone, iPad, or Android device instead. Click the icon to access the settings button. This is handy if I want to send a particular article to Scott’s device instead of mine. (You may have up to six devices connected to your Kindle account at any one time.) (more…)
December 11, 2012 @ 7:08 am | Filed under:
Bernard Beckett’s Genesis is 1.99 on Kindle today. It was one of my favorite reads of the year a few years back:
After plague and war decimate the human race, a small group of survivors build a protected, isolated island community called The Republic, modeled on Plato’s vision of the perfect society, but rigidly totalitarian. We learn about the history of The Republic via the oral examination given by the somber members of the esteemed Academy to Anax, an earnest young scholar who has prepared long years for this event in hopes of admission. Anax’s subject of specialty is the revolutionary, Adam Forde, whose subversive actions brought down The Republic many years before. A serious and captivating aspect of Adam’s history is his relationship with a robot possessing highly advanced simulated-consciousness technology, and their discussions about the nature of consciousness are incredibly gripping and thought-provoking.
November 26, 2012 @ 7:27 am | Filed under:
Lot of Kindle deals worth pointing out today: The James Herriot books for $2 each or $3.72 for the first three together—All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Bright and Beautiful, and All Things Wise and Wonderful
Mr Popper’s Penguins & Strawberry Girl for $1.32 each
Boxcar Children books for .99
Julie of the Wolves for $1.32
Bunch of other stuff, including Michael Chabon, William Styron, Alice Walker, Pearl S. Buck. I’m super happy because The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie is $2 & I’ve had my eye on that for ages. What other Muriel Spark should I read? I enjoyed Memento Mori so very much.
November 24, 2012 @ 6:58 am | Filed under:
Today’s Kindle deal is Vivian Vande Velde’s wonderfully creepy middle-grade novel, Stolen—the book I get more hits for than any other, besides Little House.
Also 14 Vonnegut titles for $1.99 each.

Lois Lowry’s The Willoughbys is $1.99 on Kindle today.
New Thicklebit!
And a very nice review of Fox and Crow Are Not Friends at Jean Little Library:
…a fun new easy reader with a great text and illustrations. I hope these two will collaborate on more stories. I strongly recommend purchasing the library bound edition, as this is one that will be read again and again!
October 22, 2012 @ 8:11 am | Filed under:
Lois Lowry’s Gooney Bird Greene is today’s Kindle Daily Deal. Didn’t one of you recently recommend it to Rilla and me?
Of course, as always with Kindle, buyer beware. Er, make that “conditionally licensed user” beware.