Posts Tagged ‘costumes’

SDCC: Day of Recovery

July 25, 2011 @ 2:05 pm | Filed under: ,

Well. The Monday after Comic-Con always feels like it should be a Saturday. And my legs always feel like noodles. It’s like a month’s worth of walking crammed into four intense days.

Worth the fatigue, though absolutely.

As always, it’ll take me the better part of a week to sift through my notes and photos. I’m working on panel recaps, but my scrawled notes take a while to decipher. Sheesh, do I loathe writing things by hand. I thought about bringing my laptop this year but my shoulder bag already weighed a thousand pounds even before I started adding books and swag to it.

(I know, it’s unfathomable that a gadget-geek like me doesn’t have an iPad yet. What can I say? All my money’s in children.)

ANYHOO. I’m pretty sure it’s against Comic-Con Recap Law to start a post with this many words AND NO PICTURES. I’m a rebel like that.

But now, after this long drumroll, I notice that Huck’s naptime is nearing the wake-up point, so guess what? Out of time, no more words, just pictures. I’m a rebel even against MY OWN PLANS, I guess.

Is this Blue Meanie costume awesome or what?

Look! It's Becky & Frank! We love their Tigerbuttah.

You haven't lived until you've gotten a steampunk fist-bump.

Lego Batman = So Very Cool

Might as well start my SDCC post roundup now:

Day 1: Quick Peek

My favorite costume: Neo-Victorian biologist (at GeekMom)

Day 2: Again with the Quick Peeks

Things My Kids Can’t Wait to See at SDCC (at GeekMom)

The Streets of San Diego (at GeekMom)

SDCC Day 1: A Quick Peek

July 22, 2011 @ 8:14 am | Filed under:

This week is always such a blur. I’ll spend most of next week writing it all down…for now, a few quick photos to share.

I found Waldo! Er, make that Waldos.

Where's Waldo...plural?

Here’s super-sweet Matthew Holm, illustrator of Babymouse and Squish.

Matt Holm, illustrator of Squish and Babymouse

This photo is as blurry as the week, but it’s such a quintessential Comic-Con moment I can’t resist sharing.

Ellie, this one’s for you & yours… 😉

For the best costume I saw all day, visit my GeekMom post!