July 22, 2011 @ 8:14 am | Filed under:
This week is always such a blur. I’ll spend most of next week writing it all down…for now, a few quick photos to share.
I found Waldo! Er, make that Waldos.

Here’s super-sweet Matthew Holm, illustrator of Babymouse and Squish.

This photo is as blurry as the week, but it’s such a quintessential Comic-Con moment I can’t resist sharing.

Ellie, this one’s for you & yours… 😉

For the best costume I saw all day, visit my GeekMom post!
July 20, 2011 @ 12:11 pm | Filed under:
When San Diego Comic-Con swallows up my life.
I’ll be posting about it as usual, both here and at GeekMom. And tweeting from the middle of the madness, no doubt.
I’m pleased that my cellphone photos will automatically upload to Google+.
As usual, I’m poring over the schedule, trying to figure out what panels to attend…got requests?
Now I am also a GeekMom.
I’m delighted to say I’ve been invited to contribute to one of my favorite spots on the web. (I’m sure that bonnet photo had nothing to do with it.)
I’ll be sharing my San Diego Comic-Con experience over there in July. Here’s my first post, in which I contemplate the fact that the con is less than two months away.
If you have any thoughts about what kind of Comic-Con coverage you would enjoy seeing, I’d love it if you’d leave me a comment over there!