Trust Me, This One Is Worth Your Time

April 27, 2006 @ 8:51 am | Filed under:

How to put on a Band-Aid so it stays on all day. (Comprehension of Japanese not required.)

HT: Chris O’Donnell.

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5 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Maria says:

    I loved it!

  2. Amy says:

    And don’t miss the one on the right hand sidebar – how to fold a shirt in just seconds! Takes a little practice but it works and gives a nice, cleanly folded shirt. šŸ™‚

  3. Jennifer says:

    I truly think it would work! But I dare not show my daughter or all our band aids will be sliced. Hmmm…would that be a good or a bad thing??

  4. Rebecca says:

    That is so cool. I just have to try it out! Thanks so much!

  5. stef says:

    i learned this from my late grandfather who was a pharmacist. he called it a butterfly cut. he said that in the “old days” (the 30’s) they didn’t have to have degrees but they were also doing the work of some doctors and nurses, and even faith-healers. i *had* forgotten about him teaching me this, thanks for the reminder:)