All I Want for Christmas…

December 26, 2006 @ 2:48 pm | Filed under:

…is whatever my big brother got. (Says baby.)


Of course, the bow on my dress is pretty cool also.


Really, it’s just great to be alive.


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7 Reponses | Comments Feed
  1. Jennifer says:

    She is so perfectly adorable.

  2. Karen E. says:

    She is so far beyond cute it’s ridiculous. 🙂

  3. Ruth Tucker says:

    What a beautiful baby. Those cheeks look so yummy!

  4. Anne V. says:

    Teeth!! She has teeth? She is growing up so quickly. Thanks for the pictures-she is a cutie!

  5. KC says:

    Teeth? That was my first response too. She really is too cute for words.

  6. Maria says:

    Oh my goodness!

    She is so precious!

  7. Margaret in Minnesota says:

    My goodness, between these photos and the ones being posted by Alice, I am DROOLING.

    And like Ruth I have to comment on those cheeks! It’s a wonder they aren’t chapped from all the kissing! She really is just yummy.